While You Received a Piracy Warning from Your ISP, Here’s What to do

Large numbers of Internet subscribers, mainly in the United States, have been taking to the Internet in recent months worried about piracy warnings sent to them by their ISPs. Meanwhile YouTubers in Europe are worried on the new EU Copyright Article 13 which will effect on next Jan. Despite much discussion of these online, questions continue to be asked. So, what should users do when they receive these scary emails?

Millions of Internet subscribers use their connections to download and share copyright-infringing content. It’s been going on for almost two decades already and shows no sign of stopping. We all knew and also experienced the crazy times of Torrent. For the vast majority of users, this kind of activity has no consequences. People grab the latest movies or TV shows, for example, and then hear no more. For many, this means they simply carry on, oblivious to the fact that their unauthorized transfers are probably being monitored by someone, somewhere. 

In the majority of cases, this monitoring is simply for research purposes but increasingly, as content companies seek to reduce copyright infringement, further action might be the next step. That usually means that ISPs are contacted, with a request for them to tell their customers to stop pirating content.

Copyright infringement notices

The first time an Internet user realizes this has happened is when they receive correspondence from their ISP. This could potentially be a letter but it’s more likely to arrive in the form of an email, delivered to the account registered with the ISP.

From reports posted online, this is where many users begin to panic. The idea they’ve been caught doing something illegal seems to prevent them from reading the notice slowly and taking in all the details. This is a fundamental mistake and one that should be immediately rectified in order to understand what’s happened and is likely to happen moving forward.

Read the warning notice – and now read it again

While notices sent to subscribers differ between ISPs, they are all very clear. They will explain what is alleged to have happened and when, who made the complaint, the content involved (movies, TV shows etc), and what the user should do next. They are designed to be easy to understand and when read calmly, they are.

Generally, a notice will state that a subscriber’s Internet connection was allegedly used on a certain time and date to download and share copyright-infringing material. The notice will provide the IP address in use at the time and the name of the company that owns the rights to the content in question. It will also order the subscriber to prevent it from being shared again in the future.

While notices can be sent in error, anecdotal evidence indicates that the majority are accurate. When that is the case, users should follow the instructions in the infringement email. They might include ensuring WiFi networks are secure, speaking with other people in the house who may have committed the infringement, and checking computers to ensure they aren’t infected with malware.

In any event, subscribers who are required to respond to notices should take care not to incriminate themselves or others. For initial offenses, however, ISPs tend not to ask for feedback from the user so when that’s the case, no response needs to be provided.

Demands in infringement notices

In basic terms, most infringement notices are like speeding tickets but without the immediate cash fine. They are designed to be a warning and to prevent the same thing from happening again. When this is the case, the infringement notice makes that clear.

If users are still downloading and sharing the same content in their torrent client or seedbox (the source of most infringement notices) the notices demand that they remove that content immediately and never share it again. Carrying on sharing in the face of a warning could result in more notices being sent for the same ongoing infringement, with additional consequences we’ll come to later.

Some ISPs also ask the account holder to fill in a questionnaire, which acknowledges that the subscriber has received the warning, understood it, and – in appropriate circumstances – has taken action to stop the infringement being repeated. Again, recipients should be cautious not to incriminate themselves but they are rarely asked to do so.

Importantly, there is sometimes an opportunity to contest the infringement claim so if notices are erroneous, the subscriber might choose to file a counter-complaint after assessing the situation.

Receiving no more notices is relatively simple

While many users panic when receiving infringement notices from their ISP, in the majority of cases there is no need to worry. Stopping sharing the content in question by torrents usually solves the problem and if no additional sharing takes place, no further warnings should be received, for that content at least.

However, those who disregard warning notices or fail to check the email address registered with their ISP (so they don’t know they’ve been receiving warnings), things can get complicated.

Repeat infringers are at risk

Subscribers whose Internet connections are used to infringe copyright on a number of occasions are now labeled ‘repeat infringers’. Under US law, this can turn into a more serious situation. Action must be taken by ISPs against those who keep on infringing, or they risk being held liable themselves. This has probably contributed to the increased volume of infringement notices being passed on to subscribers and the corresponding reports of them online.

If users keep on infringing, at some point they’ll be faced with consequences, possibly a suspension or even termination of their Internet connection.

How can Internet users be sure never to receive a warning?

It is said the clearest and most foolproof piece of advice is that those who don’t share infringing files with others are the ones that never receive a notice. While some innocents do get sent notices in error, the safest approach is not to share infringing files using BitTorrent and similar peer-to-peer software. These transfers are public and can be tracked. However, as any file-sharing forum reader will know, plenty of pirates carry out their hobby on daily basis without ever receiving an infringement notice. The reasons for this are varied, but it usually boils down to people using streaming and/or direct download sites, or by protecting their BitTorrent connections with a VPN. Others are simply lucky or have chosen content that for some reason isn’t being monitored for infringements.

But that is not enough. With the closure of the TPB master and the constant change of domain names, pirates and downloaders have found it more difficult to get a reliable and stable Torrent now. Some pirates and downloaders are starting to try to use Decentralized Cuckoo to avoid these problems. This new type of Cuckoo based on peer to peer connection is anonymized and decentralized, pirates can share quickly through cuckoo sharing code, and the downloader only needs to use the code to download or watch which the whole process is anonymous, so if this attempt is successful , then cuckoo may quickly replace Torrent and spread.

Important: Not all infringement notices are benign

In a relatively small number of cases, copyright holders aren’t interested in warning alleged pirates – they want to sue them and/or extract a cash settlement. When this is the case, correspondence received from a user’s ISP usually makes it clear that a copyright holder is trying to obtain their identity and personal details with a view to legal action.

If users receive such a notice, immediate legal advice should be sought since there are no second chances. Under no circumstances should recipients ignore this type of ‘warning’ as doing so could potentially lead to an expensive default judgment.


Notices of infringement targeted at regular Internet subscribers in the US are usually issued for the purposes of a) stopping the current infringement and b) encouraging users to stop infringing in future.

The decision to stop infringing (or carry on behind a VPN or use Anonymous Cuckoo player) is obviously a personal choice but in 2018 it’s clear that being caught on multiple occasions puts ISPs in a position where they must take action, or face potential consequences themselves. No prizes for guessing who’ll get thrown under the bus when the pressure is on.

None of the above should be construed as legal advice. If there is any uncertainty concerning the nature of an infringement notice, users should seek professional advice. If you are still downloading piracy without VPN or seedbox, we suggest you to use a VPN and Seedbox or install Decentralized Cuckoo directly.


Seedboxes at REDDIT

Decentralized Cuckoo at REDDIT

Source from https://medium.com/@aguileraarabel/while-you-received-a-piracy-warning-from-your-isp-heres-what-to-do-3551aee40a3f

How will you Rank All Six ‘Mission: Impossible’ Movies – Free on Decentralized Cuckoo

Tom Cruise was off on an impossible mission. Again in 2018.

“Mission: Impossible – Fallout,” the sixth entry in the “M:I” franchise, hit theaters in July 2018, with just as many death-defying stunts and imaginary gadgets as ever.


Marvel Movies Timeline: Full MCU movie timeline and watching free on Cuckoo

Watch Full Pirates of the Caribbean Movies free after Johnny Depp leaves

And while Cruise is off trying to take down new villains the Apostles and John Lark, our mission, that we definitely choose to accept, is to rank the five very good movies (and one that’s not so good) in the spy franchise. No death-defying stunts were attempted in the creation of this ranking.

6. ‘Mission: Impossible II’ (2000)

Mission: Impossible II (2000) – Cuckoo Movie Code

Unfortunately, “MI:II” just isn’t a great film, especially compared with the rest of the franchise. It relies too much on the hacky mask gag to move the plot along and, even for an action movie, has far too many battles in the final act. It’s the “Mission: Impossible” franchise without the heart or the winks. Too much action, too complicated a plot and not enough fun. And don’t get us started on the slow-motion doves. 

5. ‘Mission: Impossible III’ (2006)

Mission: Impossible III (2006) – Cuckoo Movie Code


“MI:III” is J.J. Abrams’ chance to try his hand at the franchise, and it’s got plenty of his signature shaky cam and a part for Felicity herself, Keri Russell. It’s a perfectly fine entry, even if Ethan’s wife (Michelle Monaghan) exists only so the movie can put her in danger, an unfortunate trope. Plus, it has the late, great Philip Seymour Hoffman as its villain, and he chews the heck out of every scene he’s in. (Even when he’s playing Cruise playing him wearing one of those ridiculous masks.) It just doesn’t quite rise as high as some of the other films, and so falls this low on our list.

4. ‘Mission: Impossible – Fallout’ (2018)

Mission: Impossible – Fallout (2018) – Cuckoo Movie Code


Christopher McQuarrie, who directed “Rogue Nation,” returns for the latest installment, and you can tell that there’s some consistency behind the camera. The film is a continuation of the “Rogue Nation” plot, bringing characters back and using an extension of the same villain. It feels very different than the other “Impossible” films, but it’s a bold new direction for the franchise, while still maintaining the important traits. 

3. ‘Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation’ (2015)

Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation (2015) – Cuckoo Movie Code


The only thing that “Rogue Nation” suffers from is that it came after “Ghost Protocol,” which was pretty hard to beat. The film is just delightful all around, propulsive and genuinely intriguing, and featuring the best female co-star for Cruise (Rebecca Ferguson) in all of the movies. Cruise may not hang off the side of a building, but he does hang off a plane and hold his breath for a really long time. And it’s definitely the funniest of the “M:I” filmas, featuring not only the comedic stylings of Simon Pegg, but also some just hilarious back-and-forth between Alec Baldwin’s and Jeremy Renner’s characters. Come for the stunts, stay for the witty dialogue and everything Ferguson does.

2. ‘Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol’ (2011)

Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol (2011) – Cuckoo Movie Code


We have to admit, back in 2011, a new “Mission: Impossible” movie might have sounded a little dated. Enter Brad Bird, director of the absolutely wonderful “The Incredibles,” who gave the “Impossible” franchise the fresh coat of paint it needed. You want more comedy? Let’s up Pegg’s role. You want higher stakes? The bad guy wants to start a nuclear war. You want more impossible stunts? Well, here’s Tom hanging off the side of the tallest building in the world. The film is slick and fun, and it was totally unexpected. 

1. ‘Mission: Impossible’ (1996)

Mission: Impossible (1996) – Cuckoo Movie Code

The original and the best. There’s a reason that each subsequent movie has had to work so hard to up the stakes and make the missions even more impossible. That image of Tom Cruise hanging from the ceiling of the CIA headquarters is just so iconic. The movie had just enough of the camp from the old TV series, and made all the right choices when it came to casting (Tom Cruise plays Tom Cruise! Vanessa Redgrave plays an arms dealer!), director (the one and only Brian De Palma) and heart-stopping action. This is the movie that gave us Tom Cruise: Action Star. You’re welcome, universe.

Watch free full movies on Decentralized Cuckoo. Please subscribe my cuckoo movie channel

i-Movie – Cuckoo Channel Code

Why use Decentralized Cuckoo? — Check what the future video platform looks like
1. Highly Anonymous cuckoo code of users and channels replace any process of Registration. No one knows who uploads, watches or collects the videos.
2. Your data and videos won’t be leaked or hacked on cuckoo because Cuckoo is based on Peer to Peer Connection and all data was divided into different fragments

3. Decentralized Independent Cuckoo channels have no any censor, limitation or suspending unlike other websites or platforms

4. Watching online directly on Cuckoo while downloading by any Magnet links or Torrents

5. Cuckoo video or channel can be watched in Windows / Mac / Android Application devices

6. Free and freedom forever

Download Decentralized cuckoo: https://cuckootech.github.io/download/

Related: How to download and upload videos by decentralized cuckoo

How to share videos by cuckoo code on Decentralized Cuckoo

Source from https://tailerfan.blogspot.com/2018/11/how-will-you-rank-all-six-mission.html

How to download and upload videos by decentralized cuckoo

I have used decentralized cuckoo for two months and I really love it. It is unlike the websites, I do not have to sign up and meet any censoring or suspending problems or worried my privacy anymore. I am totally anonymous and free for my cuckoo channel.
Here is my tip of steps to download and upload videos with decentralized cuckoo:

1). Please find and click the ‘download’ button in the top right corner of cuckoo

2). It shows a window for magnet links or torrents as below

3). Paste your Magnet links or drag the torrent in this window and click ‘Download’.

The downloading starts as below

4). Cuckoo supports you to watch online while downloading, click ‘Play’ button on the right side and watch online directly.
Sometimes it takes a while for loading as it is still under downloading process.

5). You can watch or upload to your cuckoo channel after downloading finishes.
Click ‘Play’ to watch or ‘upload’ to your cuckoo channel on right side. I suggest you to delete the original download video if you have uploaded it to your cuckoo channel.

6). Upload the video and follow the uploading process, set a screen thumbnail on the top, choose your category and write down the Title & Description. If the video is not for public, I suggest you to set a password.

After that, just click ‘Release’ button then your video will be uploaded to your channel and there will be an unique cuckoo code for your videos, anyone can use this code to watch this video on cuckoo when you share to others.

I believe cuckoo will be one of the best video platforms in the future. Let us sub for sub of cuckoo channel soon.

Download cuckoo: https://cuckootech.github.io/download/

Related: Marvel Movies Timeline: Full MCU movie timeline and watching free on Cuckoo
 Watch Full Pirates of the Caribbean Movies free after Johnny Depp leaves

Source from https://medium.com/@jamiesconce/how-to-download-and-upload-videos-by-decentralized-cuckoo-3f1dda160daf

Watch Full Pirates of the Caribbean Movies free after Johnny Depp leaves

Speaking to DailyMail TV, original screenwriter Stuart Beattie nodded when it was suggested Depp’s time as the star of the series was over.

Here is the reviews of his great performance in Pirates of the Caribbean movies, watch the free series movies by cuckoo code.

The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003)

Main article: Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl

Blacksmith Will Turner teams up with eccentric pirate Captain Jack Sparrow to save Turner’s love, Elizabeth Swann, from cursed pirates led by Jack’s mutinous former first mate, Captain Barbossa. Jack wants revenge against Barbossa, who left him stranded on an island before stealing his ship, the Black Pearl, along with 882 pieces of cursed Aztec Gold.

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003) – Decentralized Cuckoo


Dead Man’s Chest (2006)

Main article: Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest

Lord Cutler Beckett of the East India Trading Company arrests Will and Elizabeth for aiding Captain Jack Sparrow in the previous film. Beckett offers clemency if Will agrees to search for Jack’s compass in a bid to find the Dead Man’s Chest—and inside, the heart of villainous Davy Jones—which would give Beckett control of the seas. However, Jack wants the Chest to escape from an unpaid debt with Jones, who made Jack captain of the Black Pearl for 13 years in exchange for 100 years of service aboard Jones’ ship, the Flying Dutchman.

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest (2006) – Decentralized Cuckoo


At World’s End (2007)

Main article: Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End

Lord Beckett gains power over Davy Jones and, with the help of the Flying Dutchman, he is now executing his plans to extinguish piracy forever. To stand against the East India Trading Co., Will, Elizabeth, Barbossa, and the crew of the Black Pearl set out to rescue Captain Jack Sparrow from Davy Jones’ Locker. As one of the Nine Pirate Lords, Jack is needed in order to release an ancient goddess with the power to defeat Beckett’s forces.

Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End (2007) – Decentralized Cuckoo


On Stranger Tides (2011)

Main article: Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides

Captain Jack Sparrow is on a quest to find the fabled Fountain of Youth and crosses paths with a former lover, Angelica. She forces Jack aboard the Queen Anne’s Revenge, a ship captained by the infamous pirate Blackbeard, Angelica’s father. Both are also in search of the Fountain; Angelica to save her father’s soul, Blackbeard to escape a prophecy of his demise at the hands of a one-legged man. Joining the hunt is former pirate captain Barbossa, now a privateer in King George II’s Navy, who is in a race against the Spanish for the Fountain of Youth.

Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (2011) – Decentralized Cuckoo


Dead Men Tell No Tales (2017)

Main article: Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales

Ghost Spanish Royal Navy soldiers led by Jack Sparrow’s old nemesis, Captain Armando Salazar, escape from the Devil’s Triangle, with the goal of killing every pirate at sea, including him. To survive, Jack seeks out the legendary Trident of Poseidon, a powerful artifact whose owner can control the seas and break curses.

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales (2017) – Decentralized Cuckoo


Since you are here……

I have a small favor to ask. More strict copyright regulations and brutal competition make my video creator’s life more difficult than ever but advertising revenues across the media and YouTube channel are falling fast. And unlike many other channels are buying fake subscription or views, I do not have enough money to buy more fake subscription or likes on YouTube, and at the same time I have to constantly create new videos. – I want to keep the original creation but when I realize that YouTube is about to charge all the copyrights according to EU’s new copyright directive, I know that my channel as youtuber is over.. So you can see why I am using cuckoo and need to ask for your help.

Related: Small YouTube Creators will be Driven away as EU’s new copyright legislation, said by YouTube CEO

Please subscribe my cuckoo channel and share my channel codes with your friends. It takes a while for connection when you use cuckoo at the first time.

i-Movie – Cuckoo

Cuckoo is a video player and also a downloading tool, you can watch the videos and movies by cuckoo codes, download the videos by any magnet links or torrents. Everything on cuckoo has no censor, no sign up and no limits, it won’t be suspended or banned forever.

Marvel Movies Timeline: Full MCU movie timeline and watching free on Cuckoo

MARVEL has been going strong at the box office for the last ten years, releasing a plethora of movies all taking place in the same universe. Here’s a full timeline and watching on Cuckoo for the MCU (Note: This movie channel was created by anonymous users, you can watch the movies free by cuckoo movie codes listed)

Related: My Cuckoo Tips: How to watch movies faster on Decentralized Cuckoo

Marvel is unlike its competitor, Star Wars, in a variety of a ways.But one major difference is the chronology of the movies – where Star Wars’ chronology has jumped backwards and forward, Marvel has been fairly straightforward.Marvel has released a slew of films since 2008’s Iron Man, which introduced Tony Stark as the face of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

From there, the movies have flowed almost wholly chronologically – their release dates coinciding with their watching order with only a couple of exceptions.

Phase One introduced us to Tony Stark, the entrepreneur wealthy bad-boy who was thrust into the role of superhero.

Here, Marvel also brought us our first-time jump – with Captain America: The First Avengers taking place in the 40s during World War II. However, the 2011 Chris Evans movie should still be viewed fifth in this list for story continuity (much like one would watch the original Star Wars trilogy before the prequels for the full storytelling impact).


The Incredible Hulk (2008) – Decentralized Cuckoo Player Movie Code




Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) – Decentralized Cuckoo Player Movie Code

The Avengers (2012) – Decentralized Cuckoo Player Movie Code

Phase Two of the MCU brought a darker mood to the superheroes, with the introduction of Ant-Man and Guardians of the Galaxy to the Avengers fold.

Iron Man 3 (2013) – Decentralized Cuckoo Player Movie Code

Thor: The Dark World (2013) – Cuckoo


Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) – Cuckoo


Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) – Cuckoo


Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015) – Cuckoo


Ant-Man (2015) – Cuckoo


With Phase Three, fans were introduced to Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) but more importantly, Black Panther. Black Panther helped breathe new enthusiasm into the Marvel franchise, with its stellar characters and outstanding performances.
Phase Three is still ongoing, with two more movies for release in 2019. Captain Marvel comes first, another instance where the chronology doesn’t fit with the release date. Captain Marvel will be set in the 1990s, featuring some familiar faces.
The as of yet untitled Avengers 4 will be the final chapter in Phase Three.

Captain America: Civil War (2016) – Cuckoo

Doctor Strange (2016) – Cuckoo

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017) – Cuckoo

Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)

Thor: Ragnarok (2017) – Cuckoo

Pantera Negra (2018) – Cuckoo

Avengers: Infinity War (2018) – Cuckoo

Ant-Man and the Wasp (2018) – Cuckoo

Captain Marvel (2019)

Untitled Avengers Film (2019)

Phase Four:
The fourth phase of the Marvel Cinematic Universe will be championed by Captain Marvel, taking the baton from Iron Man.
Spider-Man: Far From Home is already filming with a release date of July 5, 2019.
The controversial Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 should be out for release in 2020, presuming Disney can find a replacement for auteur James Gunn.

Download Cuckoo : https://cuckootech.github.io/download/

My tips on cuckoo: You can watch full marvel movies free by cuckoo codes listed above. I found cuckoo is totally anonymous, no censor no limits no sign up, no one knows who uploads or watches, it is more like a downloading tool based on peer to peer connection, it takes for a while at your first time of using cuckoo as a connection process but it is worthy of your waiting.

Full List of All Upcoming Marvel Movies on Decentralized Cuckoo — With Key Details

Source from https://moviessential.blogspot.com/2018/11/marvel-movies-timeline-full-mcu-movie.html

Did Thor: The Dark World secretly confirm this Avengers 4 Quantum Realm theory? Watch Thor movies free

Under its president Kevin Feige, the Marvel Cinematic Universe has developed into one of the most tightly interwoven storytelling experiments ever committed to film.

But could a seemingly throwaway conversation way back in 2013’s Thor: The Dark World reveal a clue as to how the superheroes will undo Thanos’ Infinity Snap in 2019’s Avengers 4?


Thor (2011) – Decentralized Cuckoo Player

It relates to an existing theory that Ant-Man and The Wasp showed the souls of those erased by the Infinity Gauntlet in Avengers: Infinity War floating in the Quantum Realm.

reddit user leafinferno pointed to a discussion between Jane Foster (Natalie Portman) and Asgardian doctor Eir (Alice Krige). Jane is examined in what she identifies as a “quantum field generator” that “transfer[s] molecular energy from one place to another”. Eir tells her that the Asgardians called it a “Soul Forge”.

The exchange indicates that quantum fields and souls may have some sort of connection (not to mention that the machine’s energy is orange – like the Soul Stone. And like the lights spotted in Ant-Man and The Wasp).


Thor: The Dark World (2013) – Decentralized Cuckoo Player

Does this support the idea that a similar connection may exist between the departed souls (such as those killed by Thanos) and the Quantum Realm, thus hinting at a way that everyone can come back to life?

Or were “quantum field generator” and “Soul Forge” just cool-sounding names that appealed to the writers?

Other theories pertaining the the Quantum Realm suggest that it might allow our heroes to travel back in time and undo the events of Infinity War. Either way, Ant-Man and The Wasp star Michael Douglas has said that the Quantum Realm will be “key” to Avengers 4 and the future of the MCU.


Thor: Ragnarok (2017) – Decentralized Cuckoo Player

Avengers 4 will be released in the UK on April 26, 2019 and in the US on May 3, 2019. Keep your following on Decentralized cuckoo and you will watch it free.

Download Cuckoo: https://cuckootech.github.io/download/

My tips on cuckoo: You can watch full Thor movies free by cuckoo codes listed above. I found cuckoo is totally anonymous, no censor no limits no sign up, no one knows who uploads or watches, it is more like a downloading tool based on peer to peer connection, it takes for a while at your first time of using cuckoo as a connection process.

Related: Watch Iron Man’s complete movies in his MCU journey

5 Doctor Strange villains who Benedict Cumberbatch could battle in the MCU sequel

The best Marvel Movies Easter eggs you missed so far


Will Internet Services Block Europeans to Avoid “Upload Filters”?

The EU’s plans to modernize copyright law in Europe are moving forward, including the controversial Article 13. While supporters and opponents remain diametrically opposed, we take a look ahead. If Article 13 is implemented, will large websites block European visitors fearing potential liability for pirated content?

Related: Small YouTube Creators will be Driven away as EU’s new copyright legislation, said by YouTube CEO

Earlier this year there was a massive uproar, bordering on full-blown panic, about Europe’s new privacy regulations.The GDPR introduced thorough data protections for Europeans, which applies to all sites and services that serve European users.Suddenly, tens of thousands of websites around the globe had to make sure that they weren’t crossing any lines with their data collection policies. As a result, people received a flurry of emails asking them to ‘update’ their email subscriptions, or agree to new terms.

While the mass hysteria has faded now, the fallout is still noticeable. The good news is that Europeans have regained some of their privacy online, but in some cases, this comes at an unexpected cost and makes more and more people flock to Decentralized cuckoo which has no concern on copyright.

Several non-EU based websites and publications responded to the GDPR by simply blocking all EU visitors. And, after several months have passed, these blockades are still in place.Europeans who try to access newspapers such as the NY Daily News or the Dallas Morning News are not getting in, and USA Today redirect them to a separate portal that offers a “European Experience.” 

Only on Decentralized cuckoo etc., which offers people a handy and anonymous tool to share and watch videos, is off limits.

No entry for EU visitors

When stumbling upon one of these GDPR blocks this week, it raised a question. What will happen if the EU decides to implement Article 13 of the proposed new copyright law next year?

Article 13, also known as the ‘upload filter’ proposal, will require many large Internet platforms to make licensing deals with rightsholders, or implement measures to block pirated content on their servers.

These requirements are not limited to European companies. They will affect all larger websites and services worldwide that deal with user-uploaded content and are available in the EU.

While it will be easier to hold European companies responsible in court, its scope is similar to the GDPR, which means that it will likely cause some uncertainty among foreign sites as well. Some European begin to use Decentralized cuckoo to avoid this copyright law. “I created some videos on YouTube and I can not wait for dying till next year if this Article 13 comes,” said by an anonymous YouTube Creator,” I uploaded some videos on cuckoo as a substitute. If the new copyright law is implemented, I have to make money on cuckoo channel.”

Related: Multiple Bans of Piracy Sub-Reddits but flocking to Cuckoo

YouTube CEO Susan Wojcick, for one, appears to be pretty concerned as we highlighted earlier this week.

“The proposal could force platforms, like YouTube, to allow only content from a small number of large companies. It would be too risky for platforms to host content from smaller original content creators, because the platforms would now be directly liable for that content,” she explained.

Related: Article 13 as written threatens to shut down the ability of millions of people — from creators like you to everyday users — to upload content to platforms like YouTube

While it seems unlikely that YouTube would block the entire service for Europeans, especially because it already has some pretty advanced upload filters, Article 13 might spook other services enough to start geo-blocking. Especially if Europeans are a minority on the platform.

This may sound like unrealistic fearmongering to some, but is it really, if you look at all those sites and publications that still have their GDPR blocks up after months?

This type of self-censorship is not new either. Previously we have seen that several YouTube-ripping sites voluntarily blocked US and UK visitors, fearing legal repercussions from local rightsholders.

If Article 13 does indeed result in geoblocking efforts, it will ironically restrict access to content, much like the GDPR is restricting access to some information and services.

One significant difference compared to the GDRP is that, under the latest text, Article 13 will not apply to “small” sites and services. This means that services with less than 50 employees and a balance sheet not exceeding 10 million in annual turnover are excluded. 

At the moment various EU bodies are negotiating the final draft of the proposal, which will make clear what’s at stake here. Many large websites are worried that it will cause a large number of users to leave the existing platform and join Decentralized cuckoo as its anonymity and untraceability.

Related: Whether BitTorrent Traffic is Dead, A Comeback as Cuckoo, flocking to new world of sharing traffic

Johnny Depp leaves Pirates of the Caribbean franchise, say reports

Johnny Depp will not appear in any further Pirates of the Caribbean films, according to reports.

Speaking to DailyMail TV, original screenwriter Stuart Beattie nodded when it was suggested Depp’s time as the star of the series was over.


Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003) – Cuckoo

“I think he’s had a great run,” he said. “Obviously, he’s made that character his own, and it’s become the thing that he’s most famous for now.

“And kids all over the world love him as that character, so I think it’s been great for him. It’s been great for us, so I’m just very, very happy about it.”


Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest (2006) – Cuckoo

Depp, 55, has played the louche Captain Jack Sparrow in five films over 15 years in the Disney franchise, most recently in 2017’s Dead Men Tell No Tales.


Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End (2007) – Cuckoo

On Wednesday it was reported that Disney was considering rebooting the series by drafting in Deadpool writers Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick.

The previous films – inspired by a fairground ride – have in total made more than $3bn, but there have, broadly speaking, been diminishing returns with each episode.


Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (2011) – Cuckoo

Depp will next be seen in Harry Potter prequel Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald. The actor has experienced a backlash amid claims of domestic violence from ex-wife Amber Heard, as well as counterclaims of financial blackmail.


Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales (2017) – Cuckoo

The actor’s finances have also come under scrutiny after a lawsuit filed in May by former bodyguards attacked Depp’s record on wages and working conditions. In July, he was sued by a crew member allegedly punched by the actor on the set of a film about the murder of Notorious BIG. A month later, the film’s planned release was shelved.

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Related: 5 Doctor Strange villains who Benedict Cumberbatch could battle in the MCU sequel

Best Marvel Superhero: Iron Man Full Series Movies for free

Source from https://upcomingvideos.wordpress.com/2018/10/30/johnny-depp-leaves-pirates-of-the-caribbean-franchise-say-reports

5 Doctor Strange villains who Benedict Cumberbatch could battle in the MCU sequel

One of the few films confirmed for Marvel’s Phase 4 is Doctor Strange 2, which will bring Benedict Cumberbatch’s Sorcerer Supreme back for another solo adventure. More marvel movies and news will be shared on my movie channel. Please use the video code or channel code to subscribe my cuckoo channelIt is all free and anonymous.

Doctor Strange (2016) – Decentralized cuckoo player


He’s already defeated the interdimensional demon Dormammu, but other mystical threats will be lurking on the horizon. Here are some of the likely candidates to cast a deadly spell over the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

1. Mordo

First up we have Karl Mordo, played by Chiwetel Ejiofor in the first Doctor Strange movie. By the end of the film, he had turned against his former ally Strange and murdered the magician Jonathan Pangborn (Benjamin Bratt), declaring that there are “too many sorcerers”.

In the comics, he’s served since the very beginning as Strange’s nemesis, a fellow student of the Ancient One who turned to the dark arts in his quest for power.

Mordo is pretty much guaranteed to show up in Doctor Strange 2. But supervillains rarely act alone…

2. Shuma-Gorath

The first movie featured Strange’s classic, near-omnipotent foe Dormammu, and if there’s anyone in his rogue’s gallery able to match his threat and raw power, it’s Shuma-Gorath.

Inspired by HP Lovecraft-style monsters, Shuma-Gorath appears as a giant eye surrounded by tentacles. It’s basically an interdimensional being of endless power that exists only to bring chaos, destruction and death to the universe. If Doctor Strange 2 wants to up the stakes, Shuma-Gorath is the way to go.

3. Umar

The idea that the sequel will introduce Dormammu’s sister Umar feels somewhat unlikely, but would be a good way of tackling the MCU’s woeful deficit of female villains. The super-powered sorceress is certainly no pushover, and she tends to offer a (tiny) bit more nuance than her irredeemably evil bro.

Fun fact: She used to be Strange’s mother-in-law in the comics (he was married to her daughter, Clea). Try fitting that into your story, Marvel.

Doctor Strange (2016) – Decentralized cuckoo player


4. Nightmare

Plenty of Strange’s villains come packing incomprehensible amounts of power, but Nightmare (who appear in the doctor’s very first adventure) is stranger and subtler than that. The living embodiment of dreams, a demon who preys on people’s fears while they sleep.

With Nightmare, nothing is what it seems. And like Freddy Krueger, once you’ve fallen asleep, you’re completely in his power. If Marvel wants to bring some (family-friendly) horror to the MCU, featuring Nightmare in Doctor Strange 2 would be a great choice. (He’s a favourite with Doctor Strange director Scott Derrickson, too.)

5. The Empirikul

If Mordo is on a mission to destroy magic, then an army of unstoppable anti-magic warriors would make very handy allies. Enter the Empirikul.

Introduced relatively recently to the comics, the Empirikul were an interdimensional army led by a chap called the Imperator, who used their advanced technology to bring magic to the brink of extinction, making them the natural allies for Mordo’s mission.

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Related: Best Marvel Superhero: Iron Man Full Series Movies for free

Best Marvel Superhero: Iron Man Full Series Movies for free

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Iron Man (2008) – Decentralized Cuckoo Player – Movie Code


Tony Stark. Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist. Son of legendary inventor and weapons contractor Howard Stark. When Tony Stark is assigned to give a weapons presentation to an Iraqi unit led by Lt. Col. James Rhodes, he’s given a ride on enemy lines. That ride ends badly when Stark’s Humvee that he’s riding in is attacked by enemy combatants. He survives – barely – with a chest full of shrapnel and a car battery attached to his heart. In order to survive he comes up with a way to miniaturize the battery and figures out that the battery can power something else. Thus Iron Man is born. He uses the primitive device to escape from the cave in Iraq. Once back home, he then begins work on perfecting the Iron Man suit. But the man who was put in charge of Stark Industries has plans of his own to take over Tony’s technology for other matters. Written by halo1k

Iron Man 2 (2010) – Decentralized Cuckoo Player – Movie Code


With the world now aware of his dual life as the armored superhero Iron Man, billionaire inventor Tony Stark faces pressure from the government, the press, and the public to share his technology with the military. Unwilling to let go of his invention, Stark, along with Pepper Potts, and James “Rhodey” Rhodes at his side, must forge new alliances – and confront powerful enemies. Written by Anonymous

Iron Man 3 (2013) – Decentralized Cuckoo Player – Movie Code


Marvel’s “Iron Man 3” pits brash-but-brilliant industrialist Tony Stark/Iron Man against an enemy whose reach knows no bounds. When Stark finds his personal world destroyed at his enemy’s hands, he embarks on a harrowing quest to find those responsible. This journey, at every turn, will test his mettle. With his back against the wall, Stark is left to survive by his own devices, relying on his ingenuity and instincts to protect those closest to him. As he fights his way back, Stark discovers the answer to the question that has secretly haunted him: does the man make the suit or does the suit make the man? Written by Jawadjee

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Source from https://freevideochannel.wordpress.com/2018/10/24/best-marvel-superhero-iron-man-full-series-movies-for-free